【December】What comes to mind? Take the Japanese winter traditions quiz!

December is full of year-end events and beautiful scenes.

Enjoy Japan’s representative winter traditions through this quiz! New discoveries and surprises are surely waiting for you.

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  • You gain knowledge with fun !
  • You can test your knowledge !
  • There are commentaries by Japanese webmaster

Let’s dive into what makes Japan’s winter so special. How many of these traditions can you recognize?

Take the quiz and find out!

Sneak Peek
  • What do Japanese people eat on the winter solstice?
  • What is the M-1 Grand Prix?
  • How many times is the ‘Joya no Kane’ bell rung?

4 more questions available

Created by SHINTA+

Japanese Life in December

1 / 7

What is the food traditionally eaten on the winter solstice day in Japan?

2 / 7

Then, in Japan, there is a tradition of putting something in the bath on the winter solstice. What is it?"

3 / 7

What is the gift called that is sent at the end of the year to those who have helped you during the year?

4 / 7

Which temple in Kyoto is used for the announcement of the ‘Kanji of the Year’ every December?

Kanji of 2023

5 / 7

The popular event ‘M-1 Grand Prix’ held every December. Who competes in it?

6 / 7

In Japan, there is a custom of eating something on New Year’s Eve. What is it?

7 / 7

On New Year’s Eve in Japan, the ‘Joya no Kane’ bell is rung. How many times is it rung ?

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